Specializes in density manipulation to gain social media traction.
Website InstagramZenabis
This rebranding project demonstrates two design alternatives for Zenabis, a combination company that has the opportunity to grow into a cannabis industry leader. The first option represents the corporate side: Being a trustworthy, longterm investment and partner opportunity; and the second option, the promise of quality product and innovation.
London Drugs
An integrated marketing campaign project working with London Drugs on their “What’s the Green Deal?” program to research, analyze, and develop a big idea, rebrand, and campaign materials for a proposed solution. This project was broken into four phases of Strategy and Insights, Design Concept, Campaign, and the final Presentation to Client.
A redesign of the WIRES (Wildlife Information Rescue and Education Service) website, an Australian online service that offers information and raises funds for environmental emergencies. This responsive solution for both mobile and web celebrates the culture and photography of Australian wildlife while remaining clear and informative.