Ella Thorogood “DESIGNS FOR GOOD”

Ella Thorogood is a designer that uses her exceptional research skills and attention to detail to produce design work that hopes to enact positive change, and shed light on topics that are easy to shy away from.

01BrandingLiving Positive was a re-branding of the not-for-profit known as The Well Project. The Well Project is an initiative aiming to create a safe space for women with HIV/AIDS and change the course of the disease via education and destigmatization. The rebranding re-imagines the name, branding, and website to create a more concise message of their goal and gives easier access to information.

02BrandingNotus Parkinson’s Clinic was is a branding project that envisions what a comprehensive, well rounded facility for Parkinson’s care would look like. From the age of seventeen, Ella watched her own mum struggle to find proper and comfortable facilities to manage her Parkinson’s symptoms, and this project helped imagine what this may look like.

03BrandingOddly Eatery is a restaurant branding project that re-imagines your meal. Oddly promotes eating funky foods, trying new combinations, and doing it at any time of the day you so choose. The funky colour palette and interesting type choices reflect the
offbeat brand voice.

04Print“We Were Always Hungry” is a short form booklet created to shed light on the way that food, or lack there of, was used to abuse children in Residential Schools. The booklet highlights poor food quality, caloric deficit, and nutritional experiments as the specific ways children were abused with food. The goal of the project was to educate the audience on what happened inside of Residential Schools.