Fatima Khan “Yes She”

In 2009 Fatima won the Design an Ad contest for the Burnaby Now newspaper. Seeing her own hand-drawn ad in the newspaper was what first ignited her graphic design spark. Since then, Fatima has been working hard to learn new skills to help herself become a better designer every day. She has a love for social media marketing and hopes to apply all her polished new skills from GDMA to help her land the job of her dreams.

01CampaignSister-Sister is an organization created to help connect with women in shelters across BC and create personalized care packages that appeal to their likes and needs and allow them to feel loved and cared for by their ‘Sisters’.

02Packaging, Branding, CampaignPeace Be Upon You is an organization created to bring awareness to religious discrimination against followers of Islam. Along with the campaign, there is a line of scarves called “Scarves of Peace” that can be purchased and worn in support of the campaign.

03UX/UIThis project is an exploration into UX/UI design for a pre-existing real estate website- 1335 Howe. This project allowed me to work with differentiating scale and style while developing a set of screens for both desktop and mobile websites.

04TypographyThis assignment was designed for us to get a clear understanding of working with long-form type. We were tasked to take a lengthy document and transform it into an easily digestible booklet with supporting elements to make the overall composition more approachable.